- B. abe adj. "saturated, filled with"
- B. abeνa adj. "stained, dyed"
- B. abī intrj. "hi, hello. a greeting between close male friends"
- TW. Ac̊ah̊i n. "a nation bordering the southern coast of the H̊iya sea"
- TW. Acun̊ue n. "the first month of the dry season in the Yotànèri calendar"
- B. adimu adj. "current, present"
- B. adurarn adj. "same, similar, matching, like"
- B. āgoaμ adj. "exiled, cast out, torn (away), sheared, ripped"
- B. agśweń adj. "blatant, obvious"
- B. aƣewī adj. "wet, damp, soaked"
- B. aƣon adj. "white, light gray, light blue"
- B. akun intrj. "no, nope, incorrect"
- B. anolon adj. "confounded, abashed, ill-treated"
- B. apagśwea adj. "inanimate, unmoving, still"
- B. apātoiνē adj. "bland, lacking flavor"
- B. apeibō adj. "elastic, stretchy, bendy"
- B. āpio adj. "dizzy, loopy, discombobulated"
- B. asƣsō adj. "sparkly, shiny. chitinous"
- B. asibh adj. "thin, breakable, timid"
- B. aśoinbh adj. "spotted, speckled"
- B. atasejom adj. "smooth, clean or short-furred"
- B. ataν́ adj. "radiant, bright. yellow"
- B. atemi adj. "pitiable, shameful"
- B. aukadm adj. "luminous, glowy, bright"
- B. auńul adj. "cold, chilled, icy"
- B. aμuteil adj. "fanged, armed"
- B. aν́es adj. "awesome, deific, deified"
- B. bājsim v. "to kick, to launch"